Tuesday 31 December 2013

Egg collection surgery without a general anesthetic!

I thought I would do a post about the egg collection process as my clinic doesn't use a general anaesthetic and people have asked how it works!!

I have a latex allergy so I am always first up for surgeries!! (No waiting around yay) When i arrive they check my vitals and have me suit up in a hospital gown and nothing else (except my lucky rainbow socks i am allowed to keep those on) Hubstar leaves to go do his part of operation make embaby Smiths! 
Then my FS comes and takes me into the operating room, this is where it gets a little scary. There is a team of doctors and nurses buzzing around and a bright light hanging from the roof. I get onto the operating table and its always hard and cold. A nurse puts an oxygen mask over my face while another inserts a canular into my arm. Its usually then that i start to feel incredibly nervous and a little uneasy! So much is happening around you, and you feel really vulnerable. The doctor then pulls my legs into stirrups and the nurse tells me they are inserting the sedation meds into my IV!! Well it feels pretty awesome, going from complete consciousness to a sedated state in seconds is a weird, but good feeling!
The first time i wasn't completely asleep and felt them putting the needle into my ovary, that was NOT pleasant to say the least!! I asked for more sedation and cant remember anything else! Second time round I asked for extra sedition first up and I don't remember the procedure at all!
Waking up In recovery is nerve wracking because the number of eggs are written on your hand just waiting for you to see!! I remember a lady next to me on my first collection waking up to a zero on her hand... that's my fear! 
I have a low pain tolerance and i always bleed a lot right after collection so I'm always in recovery for a little longer. From admission to discharge is about 6hours, after the scientists see you to discuss the egg and sperm quality you're allowed home. My clinic is a 1.5hr drive and my Mum always comes to keep Hubstar calm and occupied while I'm in surgery and recovery. She drives home and i sleep/throw up ;(.
Its a fairly simple process and after a good sleep you will wake up feeling a little sore but mostly back to normal!!

So that's the process of egg collection without anaesthetic, the worst part is when you initially enter the operating room and there is a team of doctors and nurses grabbing you at every angle! But think of the end result, visualise that perfect newborn baby in your arms and you will forget about all the pain and anxiety! (Either that or the sedation will kick in lol)

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